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Planting Activity

I’m the mother of a 5 year old student and as the leaves on the trees started to turn green I remembered how excited she was when we started our garden at home last year and she could see for the first time her seeds sprout, so I asked Sister Fe if she would let me do the activity this year at the school. She agreed.

For the activity I gathered several small pots, potting soil and cantaloupe seeds. One sunny day, the children and I placed the dirt in a pot along with 2 to 3 seeds and started a series of daily watering sessions. After a few days they could see the little sprouts poking through the soil, and they were so excited!!...... For me it was so priceless to see their emotion when they saw their little plants for the first time, especially, when they were committed to water their plants every day before taking them home

When I showed the pictures to another volunteer at the learning center, he asked how I explained the relation of the activity to the Easter story. I asked him what he was talking about... Then, Sister Fe overheard our conversation and promptly explained the seed that was dead was nurtured to life and Jesus who was dead returned to life on Easter Sunday.

That morning when the children were watering their now sprouting plants, Sister Fe related the story to the children.

When the center went on Easter break the children brought their plants home to plant in their own gardens.